On 11 April 2024, the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) held a Sustainability Seminar in Brussels at the premises of the FSMA.
The IESBA consulted senior representatives of a wide range of stakeholder groups about its Exposure Draft on Ethics and Independence Sustainability Standards.
At the beginning of the seminar, Bénédicte Vessié, chair of the Belgian Audit Oversight Board, and Jean-Paul Servais, chair of IOSCO and of the Financial Services and Market Authority (FSMA), both expressed their appreciation for the work done to prepare these international draft standards.
Bénédicte Vessié said: “I commend the hard work of IESBA and all colleagues who contributed to the publication of the exposure drafts. They are an important milestone for a comprehensive suite of global standards on ethical sustainability reporting and assurance”.
Ethics and independence are, of course, the cornerstones of the trust that society must have in the auditors that provide assurance on financial and non-financial information.